Dolomiet offers a cosy 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom house with double garages to rent. Located in dolomiet Street close to I'langa Mall. PET FRIENDLY Pre Paid Electricity, Silulumanzi Water.
First month’s cost: Damage Deposit: R10 400.00 Rent: R8 900-00 Admin fee: R1 500-00 TPN: Natural Person= R100-00 per person; Juristic Person= R300-00 (1 company and 1 director) Entry Inspection fee: R800-00 (Renewal and exit inspections also to be expected.)
DO NOT TRUST OLX ADS. BE AWARE OF RENTAL SCAMS. DO NOT PAY ANYTHING unless you've seen the unit and confirmed the agencies credentials. This is an official Kellaprince Rental. VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.